College of William & Mary


Will I have fun at this school?  Take a flower, a daisy.  Hold a flame up to it.  Watch it wilt and smolder.  Now take the flame and stick it up your nose so it touches your frontal lobe.  Do this for four years.  Then let us know if you had fun. 

What quirky traditions does this school have that make it unique and quirky?  The Freshman Fifteen, which takes place around exam time.  You find a building, or a tree, or something at least fifteen feet tall -- then you climb it, and then you jump off.  Rinse, repeat, until you've done it fifteen times. 

What's the level of school pride?  Militant, underneath an easy-going facade. 

Will my overachieving work ethic be rewarded?  W&M will blink at your so-called work ethic and ask if it's serious. 

I heard there were no beds in the dorms?  That's correct.  Most freshmen will find that a fetal-position-friendly corner is more than enough.  More than they deserve, really.  

If I graduate from The College of William and -- No, guy, it's The College of William & Mary.  


Braggable or shameful?  Shamefully braggable.  A total validation of your parenting abilities.

Should my child go to this school?  Yes.  And don't be one of those cool parents who leaves the decision up to the kid.  Amongst the prestigious colleges in the Commonwealth, W&M is only the school that ensures pure success for you kid without a loathsome personality (U.Va) or Republican tendencies (W&L).   

What about UR?  Isn't that a prestigious school, too?  UR is prestigious like a tomato is a fruit.